We are pleased to announce that we will be able to provide travel grants for selected students that have accepted papers at the TiRL workshop. The purpose of the grant is to provide financial support for students to participate in the conference. Please be aware that due to limited funding, we cannot make any determination of the final value at this point, but the value of the grants will most likely be less than your total travel costs and we strongly encourage you to apply to support from other sources as well.
In order to be eligible, you must:
The grants will be given preferentially in the following order to students that will present: (i) Full-Papers; (ii) Short-Papers; (iii) Highlight-Papers. The selected students will need to provide a scanned student ID or document certifying that they are registered as full-time students. The provided document must be easily verifiable in English. Students that receive the scholarship are expected to attend the entire workshop program and present their papers.
The deadline for applications is APRIL 24th.
Please fill out the following form and provide the necessary documents:
Student Travel Grant Application form
If you want to get in contact with the organization committee of the workshop please use the contact form provided here.